Separate admins from owners list


  1. What is your original issue/pain point you want to solve?
    Users in the Admin group are listed as potential owners in the drop down.
  2. Which are one or two concrete situations where this problem hurts the most?
    Users who need to be admins on our server to make configuration changes do not need to be owners. For instance, we have Facilities, HR, IT, and Business Systems in our helpdesk instance. I, as an admin, shouldn’t be an owner of tickets created in HR or Facilities issues. I’m already a member of the agents roles for the groups I that contain tickets I should be an owner on.
  3. Why is it not solvable with the Zammad standard?
    It’s not an option to remove admins from the owners list.
  4. What is your expectation/what do you want to achieve?
    Separate the Admins role from the Agents role.

If there is any more useful information, feel free to share it all (e.g.: mockup screenshots, if something is UI related, or the API URL/documentation URL for a service you need a connection to).

Your Zammad environment:

  • Average concurrent agent count:
  • Average tickets a day:
  • What roles/people are involved:
    Administrators & agents
    Anything else which you think is useful to understand your use case:

Thank you and have fun.

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I don’t understand the issue. admins to not require ticket.agent permission or FULL permission on any group at all.
This sounds more like a permission issue.

It’s also no problem or shame to have independent admin accounts without any agent permissions.

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I did not know it was an option to remove those permissions and still have access to their tickets. I did have to add the admins group to the overviews, but everything is working exactly as I’d hoped


Once again you have saved the day. Merci!