Should I install sendmail to be able to send emails via trigger to all my agents?
It looks like you didn’t understand the difference in between a Zammad email channel and a notification channel.
The notification channel is not used for trigger emails at all, the group the ticket is in (and thus the trigger fires in) decides on the outgoing email address.
You can learn more about triggers here:
Unfortunately you’re permanently mixing agent notifications and triggers in this thread so it’s not exactly clear what the real problem is.
Hello MrGeneration, hello Wilhelm-Lenz,
we faced the same problem; notifications are working, but as soon we want to use a trigger to send an email to customer nothing happened.
The key for sending out mail-notifications is to setup an e-mail-account and assign this account to the group, right?
Insight our company we use exchange - no imap/pop (by the way - in my opinion imap and pop is for receiving mails - not for sending - this is confusing for me);
is there a way to go for it with this setting?
Thx a lot in advance.
Regular email channels have both IMAP/POP (incoming) and SMTP (outgoing). Both are labeled accordingly.