Send email in trigger to an email distibution list


  • Used Zammad version: 6.3.0-1714134387.c71d9374.focal
  • Used Zammad installation type: source or package (i do not know this)
  • Operating system: Ubuntu
  • Browser + version: all

I would like to email to some addresses (or an email distribution list on our exchange server) who are not an agent or customer in Zammad.
Does someone have an idea how I could handle this?

Best Regards,

What have you tried to make this work so far…?

First, I created a role to use to send emails to multiple people. But I can’t select a role in the trigger.
The easiest thing would be if it was possible to specify an email address as the recipient. Like distribution

I mean you could create a user that you then select in your trigger configuration.