[Self Hosted] Knowledge Base only with one Language


  • Used Zammad version: Zammad Version 4.1.x
  • Used Zammad installation type: Repository from Zammad
  • Operating system: Linux Debian 10
  • Browser + version: Opera LVL2 (core: 73.0.3856.400)

Hello Community,

i am working actually for some month with zammd. The normal ticket usage works great for me, but i have a problem with the knowledgebase. I see in the manual that we have a option to create in a selfhosted zammad version a multi lingual knowledgebase. And in the manual it looks really easy to add a new language. :slight_smile:
But in my version i cant found the Button. Is that a special function in the selfhosted version and i must activate that?

My Knowledgebase options:

Zammad Manual:

I try to delete the current knowledgebase and create a complete new, but it is the same situation.

I hope you have some ideas and tricks for me :slight_smile:
Thanks a lot for your support.

Smells like you came from Hosted environment by any chance?
If you came from zammad.com hosted environment, please open a support ticket via the known sources.

If you came from another hosting provider, please consult them.

I wirte the Zammad Support a Mail and they send me the code to add the language into the selfhosted version.

Thanks for all.

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