Search Logic Question

  • Used Zammad version: 2.8.x
  • Used Zammad installation source: (source, package, …)
  • Operating system: Windows 10
  • Browser + version: Chrome

Hello folks-

I’m curious how the search logic works in Zammad.

When I search for a term inside of a body of text, my results are a hit and miss. Some terms will find the ticket but other words inside of the ticket does not result in the ticket.

Also, how is the tags weighed in the search?

Thanks in advance!

Personally I don’t really think that there is some weighting, most of the time the last update-time is rather the interesting part of the objects…

Please note that missing search entries can have two reasons: Your searchindex is incomplete (you should see backgroundjobs failing then) or you have already 50 entries being found.

50 entries is currently a limit, by limiting your search further you should find more (if that’s your case).
You can find further information on how to search here:

I mean in the end the search is done via elasticsearch, so it’s kind of the ES logic :slight_smile:

Awesome! Thanks for the info Marcel. This helps a lot.

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