SAML and LDAP is not working in one setup which is exactly the same a working setup


  • Used Zammad version:
  • Used Zammad installation type: package
  • Operating system: ubuntu 20.04
  • Browser + version: chrome 99

Expected behavior:

I can login using SAML and it associates the account with the correct LDAP-Account (according to the matching email-address).

Actual behavior:

When I login with the SAML-Button it will either associate the account wiht a random account or create a new user with a "1"appendet to his email.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Setup LDAP and SAML.
use “NameID Property Mapping” “E-Mail”.

The weird thing about this is, that I checked all the settings I think are relevant on one system and the other… and it only works on one.

the difference is that smh when I look at Profile-Connected Accounts when logged in via SAML I see the “email-address” on the working one, but not on the new non-working setup. there I only see “”.

@letmesetupthis same here!

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