Retrieve Ticket Closed in range date

  • Used Zammad version: 5.0.0
  • Used Zammad installation type: package
  • Operating system: ubuntu

Expected behavior:

  • Retrieve closed ticket in a certain range data like
    state:closed AND created_at:[2023-01-02 TO 2023-01-17]

Actual behavior:

no results if range is big than 1 day and retrieve only 50 results

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

put state:closed AND created_at:[2023-01-02 TO 2023-01-17] into search

i would like to have a way to retrieve all closed ticket in some way from data 1 to data 2, is it possible?

best regards

I test it and it works.
It’s important to notice that the correct searchquery is
state**.name**:closed AND created_at:[2023-01-02 TO 2023-01-17]

Are you sure you don’t mean to put 2024 instead of 2023?

The search is indeed limited by 50 tickets, the use of a custom overview might be used as an alternative?

Also, you’re using an outdated version of Zammad. You should really upgrade.

so i’ve managed the advanced search so will be like this closed AND created_at:2024-01-08

but i need more result and give me only 50 results and i know that is a limitation of zammad because of performance

but if i need to retrieve more data is there no way to do it? with API? with CLI into ubuntu client?

2 possible solutions here:

  1. API has pagination, so that would work if you can code.
  2. Custom Overview: You could create an overview between 2 dates. Or show all tickets from the last 30 days, … A Custom overview has no 50 result limit.

an overview of 1 month with all my tickets will cause perform issue 100%

so for that i would apprieciate a way to visualize all tickets closed in a month

Out of curiosity, how many tickets a month are we talking about?
I have Overviews with a 100’s of tickets and it’s not slow.

Have you tried Report Profiles and maybe the export to Excel option if the amount is too massive to use in the web interface?

Please update to a stable version (currently 6.2) if not done already.
Zammad 5.0 (!) is extremely old and vunerable to security threads.