Respect all "CCs" of a Ticket and enhance Customers reply-functions

If a customer opens a Ticket and inlcudes “CCs” in his Mail, he does it by intention. So he want’s to inform all the participants of this case. But dealing with this CCs is quiet difficult in Zammad:
From the Agent-Scope:

  • Agents must always be aware to use the little “answer all” Funktion below a Message. I think that’s discussed in github already. It would be easier, if there is a possibility to set it as a default behavior for Tickets (like the Full-Quote-Option) AND if this would be applicabale to the standard Message-Field in a Ticket, so that an Agent simply can write a Message (external) and all the participiants are Updated. If he has a Question only for the original Sender, the Agent can use further the little answer-button below the message. I think the most use-case ist to inform all “Members” of a ticket.

From the Customer-Scope:

  • Customers today have neither of this options. If a customer logs into Zammad and Replys to a Message/Ticket, all CCs get lost (because there’s no “answer all”-Button). Also, there’s no possibility for a full-quote-Setting for customers in a Ticket. So the available Functions should be (nearly) the same like for Agents. A support for Customers using this Ticketsystem is then difficult, too.

It would be nice, if this Features could be implemented, so customers get a more “Mail-Like”-Feeling. This is what they have learned in past and which functions they are missing now, when using Zammad.

Using Zammad Version 2.3.0.



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Hello Danielvdv,

We urrently cleaning our community and found your request.
Our Zammad Philosphy is to be as close as possible to an actual E-Mail client. There you also have to chosse between answering the sender only or answering all. Due to this reason we don’t see this as an interesting feture for us.
