Used Zammad installation type: (source, package, docker-compose, …) package
Operating system: Ubuntu 20
Browser + version: firefox 99.0.1
I noticed that some of my report profiles are missing data. I have a profile that selects all open tickets and a large number of tickets are missing. I created a new profile selecting state of open and a specific organization and I can see the tickets in the preview pane
I went searching on reports and I ran across a couple of posts that mentioned rebuilding the elasticsearch search index. I used he following command on the linux command line sudo zammad run rake searchindex:rebuild
Nothing jumped out at me BUT it does seem that the my report does show the missing data. Should I put this in CRONTAB and preform it every so often ???
sudo zammad run rake searchindex
drop indexes...done
delete pipeline (pipeline)... done
create indexes...done
create pipeline (pipeline)... done
reload data...
reload Group
- started at 2022-04-18 16:44:58 UTC
- took 0 seconds
reload Ticket
- started at 2022-04-18 16:44:58 UTC
- took 7 seconds
reload Organization
- started at 2022-04-18 16:45:06 UTC
- took 0 seconds
reload Chat::Session
- started at 2022-04-18 16:45:06 UTC
- took 0 seconds
reload Ticket::State
- started at 2022-04-18 16:45:06 UTC
- took 0 seconds
reload Ticket::Priority
- started at 2022-04-18 16:45:07 UTC
- took 0 seconds
reload User
- started at 2022-04-18 16:45:07 UTC
- took 0 seconds
reload KnowledgeBase::Category::Translation
- started at 2022-04-18 16:45:07 UTC
- took 0 seconds
reload KnowledgeBase::Translation
- started at 2022-04-18 16:45:07 UTC
- took 0 seconds
reload KnowledgeBase::Answer::Translation
- started at 2022-04-18 16:45:07 UTC
- took 0 seconds
reload Cti::Log
- started at 2022-04-18 16:45:08 UTC
- took 0 seconds
reload StatsStore
- started at 2022-04-18 16:45:08 UTC
- took 0 seconds
I’m not sure why my index disappeared and luckily I only had to rebuild it once. I do know that some (if not all) of the tickets created had .pdf attachments
If it becomes a problem for me I’ll add your crontab solution
# elasticsearch attachments index workaround At minute 7 past every 3rd hour
7 */3 * * * root zammad run rake searchindex:rebuild > /dev/null