Used Zammad installation type: installation package
Operating system: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
Browser + version: 8443 (SSL)
Expected behavior:
Replying to tickets should work despite port changeover
Actual behavior:
As soon as we change the port from 443 to 8443 and try to send a reply in a ticket, we get the following error message: Channel: Microsoft365::Account out Can’t use Channel::Driver::Smtp: #<Net::SMTPSyntaxError: 501 5.5.4 Invalid domain name [BE1P281CA0058.DEUP281.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM] > and Can’t use Channel::Driver::Smtp: #<Net::SMTPSyntaxError: Net::SMTPSyntaxError>
Just a side note because I see people doing this:
The mails from Zammads notification channel do not support replies by agents.
While tricking sender addresses to ensure the answer is routed back to an existing channel, this is not behaving the way people expect. Especially not towards to your customer. Also note that this potentially leaks agent information (email address and personal signatures) and thus should be avoided.
I’d check your azure application and make sure it’s pointing to the correct URL. I suspect if Zammad is on a new port, then your callback url is on a new port.
This is exactly the error, in Microsoft Azure the port can be changed to 8443 without problems. If we change the port in Zammad to 84435 it will cause the problem.