Reinstalling zammad


Expected behavior:

  • Reinstalled zammad fails

Actual behavior:

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

After i have some issues with elasticsearch i unistalled it, but elasticsearch uninstallation process unistalled zammad too, so decided to install everythnig again,

i uninstaled postgresql, nginx etc and installed all them again, now i have this issue?

i checked on postgresql there is no database created and no zammad user created.
how can i recreate zammad database?

ps: i changed postgres user’s password

EDIT1: created database with the commad below but it is empty there is no tables
zammad run rake db:create

EDIT2: i think problem is solved with the code
zammad run rails db:migrate


EDIT3: Now i have different issue while creating Admin user;

EDIT4: But some how user is created in database

You, right now, have a virgin database without any information inside.
Thus you need to run zammad run rake db:seed followed by zammad run rake db:mgirate.

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