Problem variables


  • Used Zammad version: 3.2
  • Used Zammad installation source: packages
  • Operating system: Ubuntu 18.04
  • Browser + version: Firefox 71.0

Some of our variables aren’t working. I just get an emtpy response.
For example: I have this user:grafik

This user has a test ticket

When I request #{ticket.created_by.lastname} I get an empty response.
On the other hand, #{ticket.number} delivers the correct ticketnumber.

Does anybody have an idea why?


Could you tell us how the ticket arrived into Zammad?

Phone call? Mail?
I’ll try to reproduce it then

Sure, the ticket arrived normally via mail.
If it helps, I tried to use those variabls in a response mail trigger and in a custome object, within a link-template.

Sorry I can’t reproduce this.
My trigger is returning the value just fine:


However, I can’t reference it within linked objects. That’s odd and seems to be a bug. Could you please create a bug report over at Github?

@MrGeneration: Done :slight_smile:

So I have to take a deeper look, why I can’t reference them in my triggers.

Thank you very much.
I’ve edited your post to meet our requirements.
Beside that I tested some variables which allowed me to verify it proper.

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