Please select a group first, before you mention a user!


  • Used Zammad version: 4.0.x
  • Used Zammad installation type: package
  • Operating system: Debian Buster
  • Browser + version: Chrome 91.0.4472.77 and Firefox 89.0

Expected behavior:

  • When I type @@ I get a list of users that I can mention.

Actual behavior:

  • When I try to mention someone I get a message that says “Please select a group first, before you mention a user!”.

  • I used to have multiple groups, but then I deactivated them, I still got the message.

  • I now have deleted all the groups, except the default one, and I can’t select a group, but it still displays the message.

  • I tried to update the Attribute in the ObjectManager to set the default group to users, but still the same behaviour.

ObjectManager::Attribute.find_by(name:“group_id”).update(data_option: {“default”=>“users”, “relation”=>“Group”, “relation_condition”=>{“access”=>“full”}, “nulloption”=>true, “multiple”=>false, “null”=>false, “translate”=>false, “only_shown_if_selectable”=>true, “permission”=>[“ticket.agent”, “ticket.customer”], “maxlength”=>255})

Here screenshot of my view and the message:

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  • Perhaps create groups, add some users to them and then deactivate them. Then try to mention someone in a ticket.

If you reloaded and ensured you only have access to one group (which you obviously can’t touch / change via UI) then this would be a bug.

By reload do you mean restart the zammad service and the server itself? If so, then my answer is yes to both. Note: It isn’t a fresh install. I upgraded from Zammad 3.6.

I also added a field to the ticket object, so that I could get the option to update the scheme of the database. After updating it I restarted the service and in a second step the server, but the behaviour still remains.

Here’s my view of the webinterface:

Here’s my user with private information redacted. I’m only part of the group_ids 1:

irb(main):002:0> User.find_by(lastname: “xxx”)
=> #<User id: xxx, organization_id: xxx, login: “xxx”, firstname: “xxx”, lastname: “xxx”, email: “xxx”, image: “4556b477cdde2e9e262afc742dcd0342”, image_source: nil, web: “”, password: “xxx”, phone: “xxx”, fax: “”, mobile: “”, department: “”, street: “”, zip: “”, city: “”, country: “”, address: “”, vip: false, verified: true, active: true, note: “”, last_login: “2021-06-07 07:08:40”, source: nil, login_failed: 0, out_of_office: false, out_of_office_start_at: nil, out_of_office_end_at: nil, out_of_office_replacement_id: nil, preferences: {“notification_config”=>{“matrix”=>{“create”=>{“criteria”=>{“owned_by_me”=>true, “owned_by_nobody”=>true, “subscribed”=>true}, “channel”=>{“email”=>true, “online”=>true}}, “update”=>{“criteria”=>{“owned_by_me”=>true, “owned_by_nobody”=>true, “subscribed”=>true}, “channel”=>{“email”=>true, “online”=>true}}, “reminder_reached”=>{“criteria”=>{“owned_by_me”=>true, “subscribed”=>false}, “channel”=>{“email”=>true, “online”=>true}}, “escalation”=>{“criteria”=>{“owned_by_me”=>true, “subscribed”=>false}, “channel”=>{“email”=>true, “online”=>true}}}, “group_ids”=>[“1”]}, “locale”=>“de-de”, “intro”=>true, “tickets_closed”=>10, “tickets_open”=>1, “notification_sound”=>{“file”=>“Xylo.mp3”, “enabled”=>false}}, updated_by_id: 1, created_by_id: 1, created_at: “2021-02-11 14:05:50”, updated_at: “2021-06-07 09:34:13”>

Ok so I found out something. I don’t know if it’s intended to work like that, but for me the issue is resolved with that workaround.

When I use the mention function on a ticket that has already been created, then it works. Meaning, when I reply to a ticket I can select another user. When creating a new ticket, I can’t mention someone else, as I get the error, that I mentionned before.

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Yes and no.
During ticket creation you’ll have to select the group - as soon as you did that you’ll be able to mention the members of that group.

As you only use one group you can’t select it (technically it should be pre-selected for you).
This means if you’re using the latest possible version (4.1 as of now) and you still can’t mention users, please create an issue on github as this is a bug then. Please also mention this thread so we have the required context. :muscle:

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