Personal agent email addresses per group


I was searching the board and could not find this feature request yet. Hope I’m not missing something.

What we would like to see is to be able to define a personal email address per Agent, per group.

We have the group ProductX Support and two agents working on replying emails. They are both using the email address defined in the group settings ( It would be super useful, if they could automatically reply with their personal email address instead. E.g. if Alice is logged in, the answer would be sent from If Bob takes over later the reply would be coming from automatically.

As far as I have seen this is not possible yet, is it? The closest thing I would come up with is to create a group for each agent. But then the agents would have to remember to also change the group when they are replying to a ticket another agent has already answered to and I fear it would clutter the views and logic a bit.

Does this request make sense?

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