If you are a Zammad Support or hosted customer and experience a technical issue, please refer to: using your zammad-hostname / or company contract.
- Used Zammad version: 2.5
- Used Zammad installation source: (source, package, …) package
- Operating system: CentOS 7
- Browser + version: any
Expected behavior:
- Stop LDAP run with: ImportJob.last.update_attribute(‘finished_at’,
Start a new run when needed with: ImportJob.create(name: ‘Import::Ldap’, payload: Setting.get(‘ldap_config’)).delay.start
Actual behavior:
- Scheduler starts the sync up on its own, GUI shows Start New button but LDAP sync is actually running.
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- run ImportJob.last.update_attribute(‘finished_at’,, watch sync start on its own from Integrations, LDAP.
I understand how and why this is happening from reading over Thorsten Eckel comments but in version 2.3 and below I don’t remember this being a problem, I could manually run the new sync when we had new employees and needed them added to Zammad. If there was a way to pause the sync and manually run, it would also help with our issues of the LDAP sync reverting Agents nicknames.
Thanks to all the developers and community for help, we love Zammad had it’s helped improve workflow tremendously!