Multiple email accounts (email channel) should be processed parallelly
Actual behavior:
Zammad is processing email accounts one by one which leads to the situation where adding one email account with a huge number of emails can block the processing of other email accounts
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Add to Zammad account that contains 20k emails (account 1) - Zammad will start fetching those emails
Add to Zammad account that contains 3k emails (account 2) - Zammad will not fetch emails from account 2 until the processing of account 1 will be finished
Zammad is cycling up to 2000 mails per channel per fetch process. It then should reload usually.
If you have regular 20000 mails per inbox, I’d have questions on what the heck is going on.
That sounds fairly high volume if Zammad can’t keep up fetching the mail.
As of now email fetching cannot be parallelized. Personally I am very sure that this would bring more harm than benefit to be honest.