Outgoing emails are not sent from docker container


  • Used Zammad version: 6.4.0
  • Used Zammad installation type: docker-compose
  • Operating system: ubuntu 24.04
  • Browser + version: edge 131.0.2903.99

Expected behavior:

  • set just outgoing emails
  • agent replies to ticket article
  • emails (replies) are received by customer

Actual behavior:

  • no emails are received by customer

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  • to configure only an outgoing email account

  • run command from docker host: docker compose run --rm zammad-railsserver rails r “Channel.create(area: ‘Email::Account’, options: { inbound: { adapter: ‘null’, options: {} }, outbound: { adapter: ‘sendmail’ } }, active: true, pr eferences: { editable: false }, updated_by_id: 1, created_by_id: 1)”

  • set Email Addres for outgoing emails

  • create ticket with send email type

  • press reply to article, email adress for recipient is filled automatically, fill other fields and press update

  • check Ticket history and see message → email sent to…

  • check railsserver logs there are no errors

  • but if I send email from inside railsserver container there is error (domain of my email is hidden in example bellow):

railsserver container:
34f83d9959a9 Package zammad · GitHub “/docker-entrypoint.…” 42 minutes ago Up 42 minutes zammad-docker-compose-zammad-railsserver-1

inside of railsserver container:
root@34f83d9959a9:/opt/zammad# echo “Subject: Test” | sendmail -v pavel.broska@xxxxxx.eu
<= root@localhost U=root P=local S=303
root@34f83d9959a9:/opt/zammad# delivering 1tO13o-00000g-2T
R: nonlocal for pavelb@xxxxx.xx
** pavelb@xxxxx.xx R=nonlocal: Mailing to remote domains not supported
<= <> R=1tO13o-00000g-2T U=Debian-exim P=local S=1563
delivering 1tO13o-00000j-2Y
R: system_aliases for root@localhost
R: userforward for root@localhost
R: procmail for root@localhost
R: maildrop for root@localhost
R: lowuid_aliases for root@localhost (UID 0)
R: mail4root for root@localhost
T: address_file for root@localhost
=> /var/mail/mail root@localhost R=mail4root T=address_file

Is neccesary to set something in railsserver container in configuration of sendmail? In order to solve problem with error “Mailing to remote domains not supported”?

Thank you for explanation


Of course not. Zammads docker variant does not come with an MTA setup which is mandatory to have sendmail. You absolutely cannot use sendmail.

Is there any workaround how to set Zammad in docker, to be use just for outgoing emails? Our goal is to receive emails in our system, then call zammad api to create/update tickets, and user will respond to ticket in zammad.

What do you think? No.