Online chats disappears from the page

Hi all,
I am trying to use Zammad a week. I have 2-4 agents on the board giving consultations to customers.

Sometimes I am receiving complaints that a chat widget doesn’t appear on a screen of the website.

When I check “Chat” module in Zammad I see that control tab showing Waiting / Chatting agents disappears too

In the console log of a browser, I see that a connection with WS cannot be established.

The same time when I run
sudo systemctl status zammad-websocket -> it shows that websocket is active

The only command “sudo systemctl restart zammad” helps to nke onli chat working.

What would you advise me to dig in?

Sorry to me it’s not really clear what doesn’t work and what you do expect.
If you’re waiting very long, Zammad will automatically disable the chat function for the sake of your customer.

This is described here:

For everything else, please adjust your first article to hold the “technical question” template, as otherwise we don’t know what your base is.

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Looks like I found the issue.
In the console log I see a message: “remaining connection slots are reserved for non-replication superuser connections”. As I know, it comes from postgres meaning it’s not enough of having standard 100 connections defined in conf file

Correct. Raising the max_connections for postgresql to higher than 200 (better: 500) should solve this issue. Don’t forget to restart postgresql and Zammad.

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