One zammad tables question


  • Used Zammad version: 6.2.0
  • Used Zammad installation type: (source, package, docker-compose, …)package
  • Operating system: ubuntu
  • Browser + version: chrome 123.0.6312.106

I got some features that need some data from db directly ,but it seems some table doesn’t work or it’s just me don’t know whats their relationship。
So,is there any doc or files that can help me know each table?

Hi @AlecIsMe8319. I have no idea what you are talking about, sorry.

maybe it’s called schemas and ER model,sry for my poor english

Still no idea what you need to know.

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Do you have an example? In which table is the relation unclear for you?
Maybe we can help this way.

How can I understand the relationships between all the forms in Zammad, as well as the meaning of each field in these forms and when they are filled with data?

For example, I want to know what history_type_id in table histories mean(like 1 means what , 2 means what) and the relationship between histories,history_attributes…etc.

If you would like to get the whole picture, you need to dig into all the models Zammad does provide. app/models/ is your entry point then. You need to understand how Ruby on Rails is working with relations. E.g. for history: zammad/app/models/history.rb at stable · zammad/zammad · GitHub

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