No template in ticket creation


when our customer create a ticket, they can not use the template i created for.

The option is not there. The Admin User + the Agents can use Teplates, but not the customer.

Hi @Fabian1. Customers cannot use templates.

What? For real? :confused:
Okay, thats a problem.

I hope i can use templates for our customers for simple questions like “Whats the problem”, “which device?” and “Since when”.

Thanks for ur answer!

You should have a look here.

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I tried some things, but it doesn`t work

Well, your condition makes no sense.

I tried it first with Organisation and then our “Fachgeschäfte”. Especially for this we need these templates

I cannot help here really, no idea of your company + the structure etc. - sorry :person_shrugging: just can give you some hints where to look at and what to try out…

That’s perfectly okay. I can’t expect you to take on this task. The main thing is that the basic system finally works and it’s a shame about the template, but we have to live with it now.

Thanks four your time and your help!