No emails sent. How to test and send emails from command-line?

I have configured the email settings under /#channels/email and added an email which should send emails when a new ticket has been created, but unfortunately no emails are being sent. How can I test and send emails using commandline?

  • Used Zammad version: Installed: 2.4.0-1522901785.dea0f287.xenial

  • Used Zammad installation source: (source, package, …)
    500 16.04/main amd64 Packages

  • Operating system: ubuntu 16.04.4

  • Browser + version: FF59

Expected behavior:

  • Zammad sends an email when a new ticket is created.

Actual behavior:

  • No email is sent.
    Error message:
StatusCode: 500
{"error":"No email address found for group '...'"}

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  • Create a ticket.

I think you have to add an E-Mail-Account to the group you want to receice E-Mails with. If I want to create a E-Mail ticket within a group that has no E-Mail-Address/-Account, I am not able to send out an E-Mail.

It will also tell me:

Did you take a look into the ticket history? If zammad says “notification sent to xyz”, then you should get a notification to the account - if not, nothing happened. As I wrote - I am sure that this functions as desired.

Thanks, works now.
I did: Clicked on “Neu” (the green button in the first screenshot) and configured it. Then under /#manage/groups the just added email account was auto-selected.

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