New tickets lost when cust is replying to an old ticket


  • Used Zammad version: 6.0.0-1689581140.b4930181.jammy
  • Used Zammad installation type: (source, package, docker-compose, …) Package
  • Operating system: Ubuntu 22.04
  • Browser + version: Chrome, firefox, or edge.

Expected behavior:

  • Tickets exist when notification of new ticket received.

Actual behavior:

  • Ticket not found

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  • Very sporratic. For now, just need help troubleshooting.


We have received a number of tickets that never appear in our system. I have it setup to send email notifications of new tickets to our dispatch. They are reporting getting email notifications, but no ticket.

When searching for ticket number in notification email, nothing is found. Neither is anything found for the email address sent from.

root@help:~# /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch-plugin list
root@help:~# zammad run rake zammad:searchindex:rebuild
Dropping indexes... done.
Deleting pipeline... done.
Creating indexes... done.
Creating pipeline... done.
Reloading data... 
  - Chat::Session... 
    done in 1 seconds.                    
  - Cti::Log... 
    done in 0 seconds.                    
  - Group... 
    done in 0 seconds.                    
  - KnowledgeBase::Answer::Translation... 
    done in 22 seconds.                    
  - KnowledgeBase::Category::Translation... 
    done in 1 seconds.                    
  - KnowledgeBase::Translation... 
    done in 0 seconds.                    
  - Organization... 
    done in 3 seconds.                    
  - StatsStore... 
    done in 0 seconds.                    
  - Ticket::Priority... 
    done in 0 seconds.                    
  - Ticket::State... 
    done in 0 seconds.                    
  - Ticket... 
    done in 84 seconds.                    
  - User... 
    done in 5 seconds.                    

Hi @psi. You need to check your Zammad log files and gather information for the tickets from there.

Please double check if you have two instances (one for tests) with the same email accounts.
What you’re describing sounds exactly like that issue.

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