New ticket created but original email attached as .htm


  • Used Zammad version: 5.2
  • Used Zammad installation type: Package
  • Operating system: Almalinux 8.6
  • Browser + version: same on all major browsers

Expected behavior:

  • Customer sends a support request via Microsoft 365 channel, The ticket gets created in zammad, “Email - Full Quote” is enable to allow agents and customers to get all relevant information in the notifications sent to them.

Actual behavior:

  • The Customer sends a support request via Microsoft 365 channel, the ticket gets created in zammad but the original email gets attached as a .htm file. “Email - Full Quote” is enable to allow agents and customers to get all relevant information but the original email information is not shown as it is an attachment in the ticket and not part of the ticket body.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  • not sure, but i noticed this only happens to tickets with lots of formatting and tables.
    I am not concerned about keeping the original formatting and tables, as long as the information from the ticket is parsed into the body of the ticket and not created as an attachment.

Thank you

Update: I went and compared the email headers of the email that created tickets correctly and the one that attaches as .htm. The only difference is that the working ones have type=“multipart/alternative” set and the problem mail have type=“text/html” set

If you open the mail in anything else than Outlook, is the mail still not an attachment? Sounds like the mail you receive comes with an attached mail part for whatever reason and your Outlook displays the attachment inline. This is something Zammad won’t do.

Thanks for the response,

That is correct, I got around this by converting the email to plaintext with a EOL mail flow rule. It creates an ugly ticket since most of the formatting now forms part of the ticket body but at least our agents don’t have to open the attachment every time they want to view the mail content. This is only a problem with one of our clients as these tickets are automatically generated via a sap based system.

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