New "Send E-Mail" ticket: show customer e-mail address


when I create a new ticket with the + button, and type in the name of a customer, Zammad will only show the customer’s name (i. e. “John Doe”):

Only after you’ve chosen a customer, Zammad will display both name and e-mail adress (i. e. “John Doe john.doe@company.tld”):

This quickly becomes confusing when you have multiple users with the same name but with different e-mail addresses. Could this interface be adapted to show the e-mail address, if the customer has one?


ah didn’t have this thread on my radar, thanks for updating it. :slight_smile:

It’s already on my list, low priority at the moment, as we have some bigger bugs. But I’m confident we’ll get it :slight_smile:

It’s actually already implemented as an option, but there is no user interface to configure it. The following command in the rails console will enable it:

Setting.set('ui_user_organization_selector_with_email', true)

Thanks, really nice! We should put a list somewhere with all “hidden” options :smiley:

nvm, as it seems there already is one (not a “list” but hey):

I got that on my todo to add those “hidden” stuff inside the documentation. Low prio through :slight_smile:

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Thank you very much!

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