Multiple customer levels - showing content in the Knowledgebase

My scenario: I have two types of customers, let’s call them ‘Level 1’ and ‘Level 2’. Level 2 customers pay a higher fee for my service, and hence have access to more features/support information than Level 1.

Is there a way in Zammad to create different ‘types’ of customers, so that I can assign them to Level 1 or Level 2, and then set KB article visibility based on the customer Level? E.g. some articles are ‘Public’, some are ‘Level 1’, and some are ‘Level 2’?
Here’s an example of how it might look (there would also need to be a UI under the ‘users’ settings to assign a customer type to a customer.

(I can’t add links, so just add the https:// to the start)

EDIT: This appears to be possible as of March 2024. The User interface is confusing/misleading, which was fixed on 20th March, 2024. :slight_smile:
More info:

I have seen that this is already a commonly requested feature, with more information here:

And on github here: – which appears to be closed as ‘implemented’. However, upon checking the ‘category’ permissions in Knowledgebase, only the ‘Admin’ or ‘Agent’ options are available, not other ‘roles’:


EDIT: This appears to be possible as of March 2024. The User interface is confusing/misleading, which was fixed on 20th March, 2024. :slight_smile:
More info:


As of March 2024, this seems to be possible in Zammad. Prior to March 2024, the wording in the interface was confusing, as explained in this GitHub issue:

The wording to be used for KB role permissions are ‘Knowledge Base Editor’ and ‘Knowledge Base Reader’ which clarifies this.

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