Mobile theme light mode

Usecase environment:

  • average concurrent agent count - 16
  • average tickets a day - 4
  • what roles/people are involved - agents and managers
  • everything else which you think is useful to understand your usecase - it’s selfhosted environment, usually people could only work from phone by using “full screen” in browser

What is the idea or pain point:

  • describe what is the problem you like to solve?

Dark theme is not optimal for everyone (that’s why I was realy surprised, when I have discovered that there i no switch between dark and light them like in Dektop version)

  • why is it not solvable with Zammad standard?

Because there is no switch to light version in mobile version

Expectation (not solution):
-descibe WHAT is your expectation / WHAT do you want to achieve

having dark/light theme switcher in profile.


Light mode is very important for me.

As a workaround I’m using the invert colors filter of my mobile browser (Vivaldi in my case).


My main usage for mobile is with the 2nd coffee on the balcony in summer. In these lighting conditions, dark mode is nearly unreadable for me - not the white text, but all thin red / thin blue/ thin grey symbols are nearly unreadable, Hotblack Desiato style… in my dark workroom I have desktops to handle my users’s requests.

So yes, I second that request.