Migrate closed tickets from OTRS


I don’t know if this is expected behavior - I couldn’t find anything in the forum or the documentation - but when migrating from OTRS 6 to Zammad everything is transferred perfectly, besides the already closed OTRS tickets. Is there a way to change that or to manually import them?

Thanks for the help!

  • Used Zammad version:
  • Used Zammad installation source: (source, package, …)
  • Operating system:
    Debian 10

Expected behavior:

  • Migrating all tickets from otrs to zammad

Actual behavior:

  • All tickets besides closed tickets are migrated

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

For anyone else having this issue - all closed tickets were migrated, I just could not find them by searching for “closed”. I had to create a view (settings>overview>new>>show state=closed) which allowed me to see all closed tickets.

Please also have a look at the overview documentation.
Generally displaying all closed tickets without limits as of now is a bad idea in several terms.


Thanks for the info! Is there a better way to make closed tickets available then? Sadly my agents need to check back with old tickets from time to time…

The search function possibly…?


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