Microsoft 365 - Outbound Mails not working after adding 2nd Group


  • Used Zammad version: 6.3.1-1722007696.43d58aa5.bookworm
  • Used Zammad installation type: source
  • Operating system: Debian 12.6.0
  • Browser + version: Safari 17.4 / Chrome 130

Expected behavior:

  • After adding a second M365 Account for a new Group outbound Mails doesn’t work anymore. The default Channel is the hi@ Account. I only assigned the Mailadress as E-Mail in the Group settings.
  • After adding the second Mailaccount I’m not able to send any outbound mails anymore. The inbound mails still working. I checked for M365 logs on the Server but didn’t find related logfiles.
  • Has anyone had a similar problem before?

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  • Add a second Group and Mailaccount

Hi @file404

We are not using MS365 but I think IMAP is kindly similar.

Add an alias mail address to “hi@domain.tld” so this accounts receives e-mails for “karriere@domain.tld” too.
Then just add the e-mail address “karriere@domain.tld” to the account by clicking the “+ Hinzufügen” button.
After that, go to “Filter” Tab and add a new filter:
To – contains – “karriere@domain.tld”
Group – "

After that switch to your group and you will be able to select the “karriere@domain.tld” as outgoing mail address.

If you want to use a second MS365 account I cannot help you, but I think with the described actions, you should be able to reach your goal.

Kind regards

Hi @sebschremser

Thanks a lot!
I deleted the whole M365 Configuration and registered the Application new in Entra. After I added the karriere@domain.tld as second Mail to the Account and created the suggested filter everything works as expected.
It seems like two M365 Accounts doesn’t work.

Zammad works just fine with more than one Microsoft 365 account. I’m not sure what exactly didn’t work as you didn’t provide any error message or something like that.

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