Merge Tickets from Overview

I know tickets can be merged from within the pane of a ticket(Merging Tickets — Zammad (for Agents) documentation), but from the overview it would be great if we could check the boxes of two tickets and have a merge button. This negates he need to enter a ticket to begin a merge. The other issue this resolves is that when you use the current system to merge, you may not see the tickets you want to combine unless they happen to be in recent tickets or recent viewed list, in which case you need to back out and get the number of the desired ticket and start over.


We also lack this function.
Getting through the ticket is often a struggle.
As an alternative, it would also be good to use a macro.

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Thank you for making Zammad better every day. Your appreciated efforts made Zammad a really great software!

I would like to pick up a feature request from 2021 (Merge Tickets from Overview - #2 by ExeErik) for a feture that would save us a lot of time.

It would be super-comfortable to check multiple tickets in an overview and merge these tickets. This could, for example, be a “merge” button or a script that is offered when dragging the tickets.

The background of my request is automated notifictions that (beside customer reuqests) run into Zammad. Monit or Check MK may send a dozend emails if a server reboots, or if the server flaps around the storage limit. Of course, one could close all those tickets with few clicks, but that leaves a larger number of tickets that make searching harder. If one could merge those tickets with few clicks (possibly even in the workflow of closing them) the ticket storage would remain clean.

Thanks for considerung this feature.

Duplicate… merging… it doesn’t make sense to open several threads with the same request topic.

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Title: mass-summarizing multiple tickets at once

Hello everyone,

first of all, happy new year!
I always wanted to write this feature request but never took the cuorage to make it until know.

We are using Zammad for almost 2 years to centrelize our support. Sometimes we are getting multiple tickets/emails from the same sender and it would be perfect, if we could summerize mutiple of those tickets into one without to open each and everyone of them.

Your Zammad environment:

  • 3 agents
  • 10-15 Tickets a day
  • Agents
  • runs on Ubuntu Server 20.04

Thank you!

Are you talking about “mass merging” perhabs?

Yes, sorry that was what i meant…

No worries. I believe this is a duplicate of Merge Tickets from Overview

Thus I’ll be merging it