Map substring of subject to custom fields

hi there
is there a way to map a substring of a ticket subject into a custom ticket field:

I would create a new Postmaster Filter or a Trigger in Zammad.
The filter/trigger should map a substring of the ticket-subject into a custom ticket-field.

Subject: Self Service; ID 123456 Status Created
Projektnummer (custom ticket-field) 123456

How can this be done in Zammad.

Why i would do this:
an e-mail with the Subject “Self Service; ID 123456 Status Created” should generate a new Ticket. An other e-mail with the Subject Subject: “Self Service; ID 123456 Status Closed” should search for a Ticket with ge given number in the custom field and close the Ticket.

Like the Integration module icinga or nagios works.
But not on the keywords Host and Service with the status words Up/OK and Down/Warning/Critical/Unknown.


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@datenschuft That would indeed be very nice—if Zammad would let us use Regex within postmaster filters, I wouldn’t need to write a TeamViewer integration :wink: (@thorsteneckel)

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