Make it possible to display only first name of agent to customer

Our customer support team brought to our attention that in Chats and Emails the full name of the agent is shown. They are not very happy with this and came to us telling us to turn that off, but this is not possible at the moment.

We also cannot just delete their last name from Zammad as Users are synced from LDAP.


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I took a look into that. I think that 2.5 added a new feature (that I’ve seen for the first time haha).
You can find that under Settings -> [Channels] E-Mail -> Senderformat

Other than that I could not find a solution that might match. Could you check the above option? :slight_smile:

Thank you for your reply :slight_smile:
Sadly there is no option to only display the Agent’s first name - also it does not affect how the name is visible in the chat.

Could you please post screenshots where the names appear? Just wanna make sure I get you right :slight_smile:

Of course :slight_smile:


Email response:

Hey :slight_smile:
any news on this?

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