Mails are not imported into Zammad


This is my first post, I’m new to Zammad so I would like to send regards to the community.
I hope someone can help me with the topic.


  • Used Zammad version: Zammada 4.1.x
  • Used Zammad installation type: (source, package, docker-compose, …) package
  • Operating system: Ubuntu 20.04
  • Browser + version: Opera 77.0.4054.277

Expected behavior:

  • Mails from INBOX.Zammad should be processed and imported into Zammad

Actual behavior:

  • Mails are not imported nor deleted from the INBOX.Zammad folder on my IMAP mail accounts (have 2 for 2 departaments).

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  • Send the emails to the email address, then I move it to INBOX.Zammad, which should be processed (I’m at the testing stage before system start)
    When I try to reconfigure the email accounts, I have Info that there are 4 emails and will be processed, but they are not. The mail that checks if everything is working correctly is processed and is deleted from INBOX.Zammad folder (I mean the Zammad Getting started Test Email)

On the monitoring I have info that * channel is active but not fetched for about 3 hours


What can be the reason and how to fix it?

I have found, that one of the trigger was the reason. After setting both of my test triggers to “inactive” emails were fetched.
I will investigate the triggers now.

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