Login with one click

I use Zammad to support my customers. I have a web application. My customer is already logging in here. I refer my client to zammad. I don’t want it to log in here.
Is such a scenario possible?

  • The web application connects as admin via zammad API.
  • A single-use login token is created via API.
  • Login token and url are combined https://zammaddomain/login/token/....token
  • The resulting URL is given to the customer.
  • When the customer clicks on this URL, he logs in directly.

Zammad has several login providers it supports. Please have a look into the documentation.


@muslumcengiz Did this help you in your case? Because I have the same request now and I just wonder, it the only solution is really to integrate SAML in my application…

I think all the other Login-Providers doesn’t help because this would imply that ALL of my users have such an account…

My usecase is the following: I want my customers to be able to read internal knowledge base articles. For that I’d like them to just login into my application and then klick on the link to the knowledge base and automatically be logged in to read internal stuff.

With the answer of @MrGeneration I fear that this will only be possible if I integrate SAML into my application and finally also inform the users that they have to use this login way. I like the Idea of @muslumcengiz with creating a one-time-login-token via admin api - would this be a solution to go forward? To be honest - I’d prefer integrating such a feature to Zammad instead of integratign SAML into my application… So if you’d accept this solution I’d try to do my first contribution to Zammad…


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I think really zammad need some method that if from valid domain send user name and password of zammad user than can be login into web ui and use the zammad, saml is so work need to be implement and for small jobs its not good.