Locking a record with unpersisted changes is not supported


  • Used Zammad version: 3.4.0
  • Used Zammad installation source: source, postgresql
  • Operating system: FreeBSD 12.1
  • Browser + version: Safari 13.1.1, Firefox 77.0.1

After the upgrade from 3.3.0 to 3.4.0 some of the tickets created before the upgrade can’t be modified (updated).

The error {“error”:“Locking a record with unpersisted changes is not supported. Use save to persist the changes, or reload to discard them explicitly.”} is raised.

This only happens to some tickets and I couldn’t find any obvious difference in the data.

We can mitigate this by adding a tag to these tickets, then an update is possible.

I didn’t find any hint in the application log, browser console, or database log.

Expected behavior:

  • Tickets can be updated

Actual behavior:

  • The error {“error”:“Locking a record with unpersisted changes is not supported. Use save to persist the changes, or reload to discard them explicitly.”} is raised.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  • Not sure how to reproduce

It’s unclear where your get this error message which is why it’s impossible to reproduce this issue.
Please have a look at the moment, whatever you’re doing, in your logfile and provide the output of that time period.

Also please explicetely describe step by step what you’re doing how.
This will greatly help others to help you.

Thanks for your answer!

The error is thrown in


before the app tries to get a row lock with “select for update”, it checks if there are unsaved changes.

Almost all tickes were created in version 3.3.0, inbound email.
There is no customization, not even additional fields.
There are SLA for some tickets (errors come with and without SLA).

I’ve attached the logs of three cases:

  • error case
  • successful case
  • workaround (adding a tag)

Thanks again, horst

# --- example of error while updating ticket ----

Started PUT "/api/v1/tickets/2402?all=true" for at 2020-06-30 09:22:07 +0200
Processing by TicketsController#update as JSON
  Parameters: {"number"=>"832402", "title"=>"...", "group_id"=>"14", "owner_id"=>1, "customer_id"=>1654, "state_id"=>"1", "priority_id"=>"2", "article"=>{"from"=>"My Name", "to"=>"", "cc"=>"", "subject"=>"", "body"=>"[FILTERED]", "content_type"=>"text/html", "ticket_id"=>2402, "type_id"=>10, "sender_id"=>1, "internal"=>true, "in_reply_to"=>"", "form_id"=>"501751448", "subtype"=>""}, "updated_at"=>"2020-06-25T16:28:04.693Z", "preferences"=>{"channel_id"=>7, "escalation_calculation"=>{"first_response_at"=>nil, "last_update_at"=>"2020-06-25T16:28:04.628Z", "close_at"=>nil, "sla_id"=>2, "sla_updated_at"=>"2019-12-12T10:42:33.669Z", "calendar_id"=>1, "calendar_updated_at"=>"2020-06-25T15:16:01.478Z", "escalation_disabled"=>false}}, "pending_time"=>nil, "id"=>"2402", "all"=>"true"}
session based auth check
   (0.1ms)  SELECT "roles"."id" FROM "roles" INNER JOIN "roles_users" ON "roles"."id" = "roles_users"."role_id" WHERE "roles_users"."user_id" = $1  [["user_id", 3]]
  ↳ app/models/user.rb:434
   (0.3ms)  SELECT "permissions"."preferences" FROM "permissions" INNER JOIN "permissions_roles" ON "permissions_roles"."permission_id" = "permissions"."id" INNER JOIN "roles" ON "roles"."id" = "permissions_roles"."role_id" WHERE (roles.id IN (2,1) AND roles.active = TRUE AND permissions.name IN ('user_preferences','user_preferences.device') AND permissions.active = TRUE)
  ↳ app/models/user.rb:434
session for '**@****.eu'
  CACHE  (0.0ms)  SELECT "permissions"."preferences" FROM "permissions" INNER JOIN "permissions_roles" ON "permissions_roles"."permission_id" = "permissions"."id" INNER JOIN "roles" ON "roles"."id" = "permissions_roles"."role_id" WHERE (roles.id IN (2,1) AND roles.active = TRUE AND permissions.name IN ('user_preferences','user_preferences.device') AND permissions.active = TRUE)
  ↳ app/models/user.rb:434
  Ticket Load (0.3ms)  SELECT  "tickets".* FROM "tickets" WHERE "tickets"."id" = $1 LIMIT $2  [["id", 2402], ["LIMIT", 1]]
  ↳ app/controllers/tickets_controller.rb:223
   (0.3ms)  SELECT "permissions"."preferences" FROM "permissions" INNER JOIN "permissions_roles" ON "permissions_roles"."permission_id" = "permissions"."id" INNER JOIN "roles" ON "roles"."id" = "permissions_roles"."role_id" WHERE (roles.id IN (2,1) AND roles.active = TRUE AND permissions.name IN ('ticket','ticket.agent') AND permissions.active = TRUE)
  ↳ app/models/user.rb:434
   (0.3ms)  SELECT "permissions"."preferences" FROM "permissions" INNER JOIN "permissions_roles" ON "permissions_roles"."permission_id" = "permissions"."id" INNER JOIN "roles" ON "roles"."id" = "permissions_roles"."role_id" WHERE (roles.id IN (2,1) AND roles.active = TRUE AND permissions.name IN ('ticket','ticket.customer') AND permissions.active = TRUE)
  ↳ app/models/user.rb:434
  Group Load (0.1ms)  SELECT  "groups".* FROM "groups" WHERE "groups"."id" = $1 LIMIT $2  [["id", 14], ["LIMIT", 1]]
  ↳ app/policies/ticket_policy.rb:61
  CACHE  (0.0ms)  SELECT "permissions"."preferences" FROM "permissions" INNER JOIN "permissions_roles" ON "permissions_roles"."permission_id" = "permissions"."id" INNER JOIN "roles" ON "roles"."id" = "permissions_roles"."role_id" WHERE (roles.id IN (2,1) AND roles.active = TRUE AND permissions.name IN ('ticket','ticket.agent') AND permissions.active = TRUE)
  ↳ app/models/user.rb:434
  UserGroup Exists (0.3ms)  SELECT  1 AS one FROM "groups_users" LEFT OUTER JOIN "groups" ON "groups"."id" = "groups_users"."group_id" WHERE "groups_users"."user_id" = $1 AND "groups_users"."group_id" = $2 AND ("groups_users"."access") IN ($3, $4) AND "groups"."active" = $5 LIMIT $6  [["user_id", 3], ["group_id", 14], ["access", "change"], ["access", "full"], ["active", true], ["LIMIT", 1]]
  ↳ app/models/concerns/has_groups.rb:75
  CACHE  (0.0ms)  SELECT "permissions"."preferences" FROM "permissions" INNER JOIN "permissions_roles" ON "permissions_roles"."permission_id" = "permissions"."id" INNER JOIN "roles" ON "roles"."id" = "permissions_roles"."role_id" WHERE (roles.id IN (2,1) AND roles.active = TRUE AND permissions.name IN ('ticket','ticket.agent') AND permissions.active = TRUE)
  ↳ app/models/user.rb:434
   (0.1ms)  BEGIN
  ↳ app/controllers/tickets_controller.rb:243
   (0.1ms)  ROLLBACK
  ↳ app/controllers/tickets_controller.rb:243
#<RuntimeError: Locking a record with unpersisted changes is not supported. Use `save` to persist the changes, or `reload` to discard them explicitly.>
   (0.3ms)  SELECT "permissions"."preferences" FROM "permissions" INNER JOIN "permissions_roles" ON "permissions_roles"."permission_id" = "permissions"."id" INNER JOIN "roles" ON "roles"."id" = "permissions_roles"."role_id" WHERE (roles.id IN (2,1) AND roles.active = TRUE AND permissions.name IN ('admin') AND permissions.active = TRUE)
  ↳ app/models/user.rb:434
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 15ms (Views: 0.1ms | ActiveRecord: 2.1ms)

# --- example of successful ticket update ---

Started PUT "/api/v1/tickets/2397?all=true" for at 2020-06-30 09:21:34 +0200
Processing by TicketsController#update as JSON
  Parameters: {"number"=>"832397", "title"=>"Re: ......", "group_id"=>"14", "owner_id"=>1, "customer_id"=>1720, "state_id"=>"1", "priority_id"=>"2", "article"=>{"from"=>"My Name", "to"=>"", "cc"=>"", "subject"=>"", "body"=>"[FILTERED]", "content_type"=>"text/html", "ticket_id"=>"2397", "type_id"=>10, "sender_id"=>1, "internal"=>true, "in_reply_to"=>"", "form_id"=>"501685049", "subtype"=>""}, "updated_at"=>"2020-06-30T07:21:32.443Z", "preferences"=>{"channel_id"=>7, "escalation_calculation"=>{"first_response_at"=>nil, "last_update_at"=>"2020-06-25T11:39:33.833Z", "close_at"=>nil, "sla_id"=>2, "sla_updated_at"=>"2019-12-12T10:42:33.669Z", "calendar_id"=>1, "calendar_updated_at"=>"2020-06-29T15:17:04.441Z", "escalation_disabled"=>false}}, "pending_time"=>nil, "id"=>"2397", "all"=>"true"}
session based auth check
   (0.1ms)  SELECT "roles"."id" FROM "roles" INNER JOIN "roles_users" ON "roles"."id" = "roles_users"."role_id" WHERE "roles_users"."user_id" = $1  [["user_id", 3]]
  ↳ app/models/user.rb:434
   (0.3ms)  SELECT "permissions"."preferences" FROM "permissions" INNER JOIN "permissions_roles" ON "permissions_roles"."permission_id" = "permissions"."id" INNER JOIN "roles" ON "roles"."id" = "permissions_roles"."role_id" WHERE (roles.id IN (2,1) AND roles.active = TRUE AND permissions.name IN ('user_preferences','user_preferences.device') AND permissions.active = TRUE)
  ↳ app/models/user.rb:434
session for '**@****.eu'
  CACHE  (0.0ms)  SELECT "permissions"."preferences" FROM "permissions" INNER JOIN "permissions_roles" ON "permissions_roles"."permission_id" = "permissions"."id" INNER JOIN "roles" ON "roles"."i
d" = "permissions_roles"."role_id" WHERE (roles.id IN (2,1) AND roles.active = TRUE AND permissions.name IN ('user_preferences','user_preferences.device') AND permissions.active = TRUE)
  ↳ app/models/user.rb:434
  Ticket Load (0.1ms)  SELECT  "tickets".* FROM "tickets" WHERE "tickets"."id" = $1 LIMIT $2  [["id", 2397], ["LIMIT", 1]]
  ↳ app/controllers/tickets_controller.rb:223
   (0.3ms)  SELECT "permissions"."preferences" FROM "permissions" INNER JOIN "permissions_roles" ON "permissions_roles"."permission_id" = "permissions"."id" INNER JOIN "roles" ON "roles"."id" = "permissions_roles"."role_id" WHERE (roles.id IN (2,1) AND roles.active = TRUE AND permissions.name IN ('ticket','ticket.agent') AND permissions.active = TRUE)
  ↳ app/models/user.rb:434
   (0.4ms)  SELECT "permissions"."preferences" FROM "permissions" INNER JOIN "permissions_roles" ON "permissions_roles"."permission_id" = "permissions"."id" INNER JOIN "roles" ON "roles"."id" = "permissions_roles"."role_id" WHERE (roles.id IN (2,1) AND roles.active = TRUE AND permissions.name IN ('ticket','ticket.customer') AND permissions.active = TRUE)
  ↳ app/models/user.rb:434
  Group Load (0.1ms)  SELECT  "groups".* FROM "groups" WHERE "groups"."id" = $1 LIMIT $2  [["id", 14], ["LIMIT", 1]]
  ↳ app/policies/ticket_policy.rb:61
  CACHE  (0.0ms)  SELECT "permissions"."preferences" FROM "permissions" INNER JOIN "permissions_roles" ON "permissions_roles"."permission_id" = "permissions"."id" INNER JOIN "roles" ON "roles"."id" = "permissions_roles"."role_id" WHERE (roles.id IN (2,1) AND roles.active = TRUE AND permissions.name IN ('ticket','ticket.agent') AND permissions.active = TRUE)
  ↳ app/models/user.rb:434
  UserGroup Exists (0.2ms)  SELECT  1 AS one FROM "groups_users" LEFT OUTER JOIN "groups" ON "groups"."id" = "groups_users"."group_id" WHERE "groups_users"."user_id" = $1 AND "groups_users"."group_id" = $2 AND ("groups_users"."access") IN ($3, $4) AND "groups"."active" = $5 LIMIT $6  [["user_id", 3], ["group_id", 14], ["access", "change"], ["access", "full"], ["active", true], ["LIMIT", 1]]
  ↳ app/models/concerns/has_groups.rb:75
  CACHE  (0.0ms)  SELECT "permissions"."preferences" FROM "permissions" INNER JOIN "permissions_roles" ON "permissions_roles"."permission_id" = "permissions"."id" INNER JOIN "roles" ON "roles"."id" = "permissions_roles"."role_id" WHERE (roles.id IN (2,1) AND roles.active = TRUE AND permissions.name IN ('ticket','ticket.agent') AND permissions.active = TRUE)
  ↳ app/models/user.rb:434
   (0.1ms)  BEGIN
  ↳ app/controllers/tickets_controller.rb:243
  Ticket Load (0.4ms)  SELECT  "tickets".* FROM "tickets" WHERE "tickets"."id" = $1 LIMIT $2 FOR UPDATE  [["id", 2397], ["LIMIT", 1]]
  ↳ app/controllers/tickets_controller.rb:243
   (0.2ms)  SELECT COUNT(*) AS "size", MAX("object_manager_attributes"."updated_at") AS timestamp FROM "object_manager_attributes" WHERE "object_manager_attributes"."active" = $1  [["active", true]]
  ↳ app/models/object_manager/attribute/validation.rb:52
  User Load (0.2ms)  SELECT  "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" = $1 LIMIT $2  [["id", 1720], ["LIMIT", 1]]
  ↳ app/models/ticket.rb:1257
  Ticket Update (0.5ms)  UPDATE "tickets" SET "preferences" = $1, "updated_at" = $2 WHERE "tickets"."id" = $3  [["preferences", "--- !ruby/hash:ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess\nchannel_id: 7\nescalation_calculation: !ruby/hash:ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess\n  first_response_at:\n  last_update_at: '2020-06-25T11:39:33.833Z'\n  close_at:\n  sla_id: 2\n  sla_updated_at: '2019-12-12T10:42:33.669Z'\n  calendar_id: 1\n  calendar_updated_at: '2020-06-29T15:17:04.441Z'\n  escalation_disabled: false\n"], ["updated_at", "2020-06-30 07:21:34.512000"], ["id", 2397]]
  ↳ app/controllers/tickets_controller.rb:244
Ticket.find(2397) notify UPDATED 2020-06-30 07:21:34 UTC
  ActiveJobLock Load (0.2ms)  SELECT  "active_job_locks".* FROM "active_job_locks" WHERE "active_job_locks"."lock_key" = $1 LIMIT $2 FOR UPDATE  [["lock_key", "SearchIndexJob/Ticket/2397"], ["LIMIT", 1]]
  ↳ app/jobs/concerns/has_active_job_lock.rb:117
  ActiveJobLock Create (0.1ms)  INSERT INTO "active_job_locks" ("lock_key", "active_job_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4) RETURNING "id"  [["lock_key", "SearchIndexJob/Ticket/2397"], ["active_job_id", "32fd19d6-d0c3-41ac-8fed-11b55876c841"], ["created_at", "2020-06-30 07:21:34.524912"], ["updated_at", "2020-06-30 07:21:34.524912"]]
  ↳ app/jobs/concerns/has_active_job_lock.rb:60
  Delayed::Backend::ActiveRecord::Job Create (0.1ms)  INSERT INTO "delayed_jobs" ("priority", "handler", "run_at", "queue", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6) RETURNING "id"  [["priority", 300], ["handler", "--- !ruby/object:ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::DelayedJobAdapter::JobWrapper\njob_data:\n  job_class: SearchIndexJob\n  job_id: 32fd19d6-d0c3-41ac-8fed-11b55876c841\n  provider_job_id:\n  queue_name: default\n  priority: 300\n  arguments:\n  - Ticket\n  - 2397\n  executions: 0\n  locale: en\n"], ["run_at", "2020-06-30 07:21:34.525792"], ["queue", "default"], ["created_at", "2020-06-30 07:21:34.525000"], ["updated_at", "2020-06-30 07:21:34.525000"]]
  ↳ app/models/concerns/has_search_index_backend.rb:27
  Delayed::Backend::ActiveRecord::Job Update All (0.1ms)  UPDATE "delayed_jobs" SET "attempts" = 0 WHERE "delayed_jobs"."id" = $1  [["id", 1256775]]

# --- example of work-around by adding tag to ticket ---

Started PUT "/api/v1/tickets/2402?all=true" for at 2020-06-30 09:22:25 +0200
   (1.6ms)  COMMIT
  ↳ app/models/tag.rb:42
Processing by TicketsController#update as JSON
  Parameters: {"number"=>"832402", "title"=>"...", "group_id"=>"14", "owner_id"=>1, "customer_id"=>1654, "state_id"=>"1", "priority_id"=>"2", "updated_at"=>"2020-06-25T16:28:04.693Z", "preferenc>
session based auth check
   (0.1ms)  BEGIN
  ↳ app/models/application_model/can_touch_references.rb:23
   (0.5ms)  SELECT "roles"."id" FROM "roles" INNER JOIN "roles_users" ON "roles"."id" = "roles_users"."role_id" WHERE "roles_users"."user_id" = $1  [["user_id", 3]]
  ↳ app/models/user.rb:434
  Ticket Update (0.8ms)  UPDATE "tickets" SET "updated_at" = $1 WHERE "tickets"."id" = $2  [["updated_at", "2020-06-30 07:22:25.190000"], ["id", 2402]]
  ↳ app/models/application_model/can_touch_references.rb:23
Ticket.find(2402) notify TOUCH 2020-06-30 07:22:25 UTC
   (0.8ms)  SELECT "permissions"."preferences" FROM "permissions" INNER JOIN "permissions_roles" ON "permissions_roles"."permission_id" = "permissions"."id" INNER JOIN "roles" ON "roles"."id" = >
  ↳ app/models/user.rb:434
session for '**@****.eu'
  ActiveJobLock Load (0.3ms)  SELECT  "active_job_locks".* FROM "active_job_locks" WHERE "active_job_locks"."lock_key" = $1 LIMIT $2 FOR UPDATE  [["lock_key", "SearchIndexJob/Ticket/2402"], ["LI>
  ↳ app/jobs/concerns/has_active_job_lock.rb:117
  CACHE  (0.0ms)  SELECT "permissions"."preferences" FROM "permissions" INNER JOIN "permissions_roles" ON "permissions_roles"."permission_id" = "permissions"."id" INNER JOIN "roles" ON "roles".">
  ↳ app/models/user.rb:434
  ActiveJobLock Create (0.5ms)  INSERT INTO "active_job_locks" ("lock_key", "active_job_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4) RETURNING "id"  [["lock_key", "SearchIndexJob/Tic>
  ↳ app/jobs/concerns/has_active_job_lock.rb:60
  Ticket Load (1.0ms)  SELECT  "tickets".* FROM "tickets" WHERE "tickets"."id" = $1 LIMIT $2  [["id", 2402], ["LIMIT", 1]]
  ↳ app/controllers/tickets_controller.rb:223
  Delayed::Backend::ActiveRecord::Job Create (0.5ms)  INSERT INTO "delayed_jobs" ("priority", "handler", "run_at", "queue", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6) RETURNING >
  ↳ app/models/concerns/has_search_index_backend.rb:47
  Delayed::Backend::ActiveRecord::Job Update All (0.5ms)  UPDATE "delayed_jobs" SET "attempts" = 0 WHERE "delayed_jobs"."id" = $1  [["id", 1256780]]
  ↳ app/jobs/application_job/has_delayed_job_monitoring_compatibilty.rb:17
Enqueued SearchIndexJob (Job ID: 2a680b4a-2c39-4b23-bb42-7ff47f03caf6) to DelayedJob(default) with arguments: "Ticket", 2402
   (0.3ms)  SELECT "permissions"."preferences" FROM "permissions" INNER JOIN "permissions_roles" ON "permissions_roles"."permission_id" = "permissions"."id" INNER JOIN "roles" ON "roles"."id" = >
  ↳ app/models/user.rb:434
   (1.2ms)  COMMIT
  ↳ app/models/application_model/can_touch_references.rb:23
   (0.5ms)  SELECT "permissions"."preferences" FROM "permissions" INNER JOIN "permissions_roles" ON "permissions_roles"."permission_id" = "permissions"."id" INNER JOIN "roles" ON "roles"."id" = >
  ↳ app/models/user.rb:434
  Ticket Load (0.1ms)  SELECT  "tickets".* FROM "tickets" WHERE "tickets"."id" = $1 LIMIT $2  [["id", 2402], ["LIMIT", 1]]
  ↳ app/models/observer/ticket/escalation_update.rb:23
  Group Load (0.1ms)  SELECT  "groups".* FROM "groups" WHERE "groups"."id" = $1 LIMIT $2  [["id", 14], ["LIMIT", 1]]
  ↳ app/policies/ticket_policy.rb:61
  CACHE  (0.0ms)  SELECT "permissions"."preferences" FROM "permissions" INNER JOIN "permissions_roles" ON "permissions_roles"."permission_id" = "permissions"."id" INNER JOIN "roles" ON "roles".">
  ↳ app/models/user.rb:434
  UserGroup Exists (0.2ms)  SELECT  1 AS one FROM "groups_users" LEFT OUTER JOIN "groups" ON "groups"."id" = "groups_users"."group_id" WHERE "groups_users"."user_id" = $1 AND "groups_users"."gro>
  ↳ app/models/concerns/has_groups.rb:75
  Sla Load (0.5ms)  SELECT "slas".* FROM "slas" ORDER BY "slas"."name" ASC, "slas"."created_at" ASC
  ↳ app/models/ticket/escalation.rb:271
  Ticket Load (0.5ms)  SELECT  "tickets".* FROM "tickets" WHERE ("tickets"."state_id" IN ('1','2') AND "tickets"."group_id" IN ('14')) AND "tickets"."id" = $1 LIMIT $2  [["id", 2402], ["LIMIT", >
  ↳ app/models/ticket/escalation.rb:276
  Calendar Load (0.2ms)  SELECT  "calendars".* FROM "calendars" WHERE "calendars"."id" = $1 LIMIT $2  [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]]
  ↳ app/models/ticket/escalation.rb:79
  History Load (0.4ms)  SELECT "histories".* FROM "histories" WHERE ("histories"."history_object_id" = $1 AND "histories"."o_id" = $2 OR "histories"."history_object_id" = $3 AND "histories"."rel>
  ↳ app/models/history.rb:168
  Ticket::State Load (0.2ms)  SELECT "ticket_states".* FROM "ticket_states" WHERE "ticket_states"."ignore_escalation" = $1  [["ignore_escalation", true]]
  ↳ app/models/ticket/escalation.rb:328

I’m afraid that I still do not understand what exactly you’re doing within Zammad or via API that this happens.

Ok, I see. I was adding an internal text note to a ticket and clicked to “Update” button (ticket was in state new and not assigned to an agent).
The same also happens when I assign the ticket to someone and press “Update”.

Everything done as agent (or admin) in the agent web user interface, as described here:

Can you, just to be sure all migrations are good, run the following?
zammad run rake db:migrate

If I understand correctly, you can -except for adding tags (which solves the issue)- not update any already existing ticket. Can you please check if this applies to any pre Zammad 3.4 ticket or just to tickets that are opened in your taskbar on the left?

If it only happens to taskbar tickets, can you check if they’re in “draft mode”? So is there any value that has been changed and not yet saved to the ticket directly?

Currently I’m trying to figure out the reason for that behavior - never experienced it yet.
I’d love to reproduce it though!


is there any update regarding this issue? I currently am experiencing the same or a related problem.
After Updating from an older Version to 3.4.0 I also get the message

ERROR -- : Locking a record with unpersisted changes is not supported. Use `save` to persist the changes, or `reload` to discard them explicitly. (RuntimeError)

When I try to update some tickets. I could not find a relation between the affected tickets.

The Log does not show anything that helps me to identify possible problems:
I, [2020-09-10T10:07:57.847846 #30041-47334376789420] INFO – : Started PUT “/api/v1/tickets/11468?all=true” for [IPADDR] at 2020-09-10 10:07:57 +0200
I, [2020-09-10T10:07:57.850241 #30041-47334376789420] INFO – : Processing by TicketsController#update as JSON

Then there is one line with all the Parameters and then there’s the error-message.

To answer some questions that were asked in this thread:

  • No it does not only affect tickets in the taskbar.
  • Currently the issue only applies to tickets that were created before the update (but not to all of them)
  • I ran db:migrate without any output, so I assume there were no changes made.

Some infos on my setup that may be helpful or show a corellation with other affected users:

  • Debian
  • Zammad Repos
  • MySQL Database
  • Upgraded via fresh Installation and imported backup, followed the guide in the Backup & Restore - Wiki-Article

Thank you very much in advance for your help


Yes, this looks pretty much the situation we’ve had after our upgrade.

In our case it effected approx. ten tickets, so the described workaround (adding a tag) was not a big problem.

I didn’t find the root cause of the problem.

Adding a tag did NOT solve the Problem at our installation. When I try that, I receive the exact same error message and cannot update the ticket.

A colleague of mine discovered a workaround that solved it for us a few minutes ago:

We have to add a comment via Email: We use a normal email-client to write to our support-adress, having the ticket-number as subject. Zammad will fetch this mail as usual and add this email as a public comment, as usual. After that, the ticket can be updated via the Web-GUI without problems.

We have no overview how many tickets really are affected in our installation, as we are still discovering tickets having this problem.

1 Like

I’m afraid I can’t reproduce this in my environments.
Maybe it does not have enough tickets or you cased a special race condition (by accident) I may not be able to reproduce.

My guess is that Zammad cached something which it could not clear before the upgrade started.
But honestly, I don’t know. I suspect something in Zammads caching mechanism here because it doesn’t affect anything below UI as it seems.

As it’s not cleanly reproducable and the cause unknown, I’m afraid that this currently doesn’t qualify as a bug report. (we can’t fix stuff we can’t reproduce).

If anyone runs in this as well - try the following:

  • zammad run rails r "Cache.clear" (twice if you have to)
  • ensure to cleanly reload the web application on the affected browser
  • try again

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Hi guys,
I provided another hotfix and some commands to verify the problem at a new issue:

We also do not know yet what happend to the yaml store between these migrations.

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