Localisation Problems after Update


  • Used Zammad version: 5.2.2
  • Used Zammad installation type: package
  • Operating system: CentOS 7
  • Browser + version: any

Expected behavior:

We updated zammad from 4.1 to 5.2.2 and use german language as default for most users.

Actual behavior:

After the update completed we see some areas are in english, for example “My Assigned Tickets” instead of “Meine zugewiesenen Tickets” and also US date format is used for pending ticket states.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Happens all the time.

Is there any way to reset localisation?

Best regards

Many browsers enforce specific datetime formats on date and time fields.
It may thus depend on your browser what you actually see.

The last versions have had a lot work around locale stuff. Upgrading to the current 5.3 might solve your issue.

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