Limiting microsoft login to precreated users

  • Used Zammad version: 6.3.1
  • Used Zammad installation type: package
  • Operating system: Ubuntu
  • Browser + version: Firefox

Expected behavior:

is it possible to restrict the Microsoft login to only users with an already created account?

Actual behavior:

I have several users in different microsoft tenants for which I need to use Azure AD directory - Multitenant configuration. But if I use a milti-tenant configuration anyone with microfot account can log in, I would like to limit that.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Multiple users in diferent tenants.

Hi @jru. AFAIK, with the upcoming release, you could use a new setting: Third-Party Applications — Zammad Admin Documentation documentation

I’f using Azure AD I beleive you will be able to do this by restricting access to the the Zammad application to specific users in Azure. Haven’t tried this with users from different domains, but I’m quite certain you will be able to do this with guest accounts in Azure.