Limit Imap check

Hi there!

Zammad checks new Mails every minute.
For Users with small Services they dont get many tickets per day, it would be nice to change the imap checks. So in example i want to change the checks from one minute to 10 minutes or something else.

positive effect: The maillog will not get spammed with requests from zammad.

Reason: if you are a small company or provide small services on the internet there is no time critical ticket, so its enough to read the ticket 10min later.

have a nice day

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Hi @naiz0 - you can change the period for fetching data from the channels by executing Scheduler.find_by(name: 'Check Channels').update!(period: 10.minutes) via the Zammad rails console :rocket:


Hi @thorsteneckel.
Thanks so much!


Hm, as an alternative to the scheduled IMAP polling… have you considered to implement IMAP IDLE so that Zammad keeps a connection to the IMAP server open, and only downloads new mail when the server informs Zammad that there is new mail available?

That would increase the ticket creation speed, and should reduce the IMAP traffic and log spam.

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Sadly our mailserver probably doesn’t support it but great idea!

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Hi @martin.von.wittich - as @dvnkln already wrote - great idea! We’re actually thinking about various ways to improve the impact of the mail fetching on system load and performance: IMAP IDLE, LMTP and ActionMailbox. However, we’re currently focusing on more urgent tasks like finishing up the Knowledge Base and improving the performance of larger systems.
We will address the other changes when we find the time, receive a payed order or pull request.

We really appreciate your deep interest in Zammad! Looking forward to read from you :slight_smile:

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We’re actually thinking about various ways to improve the impact of the mail fetching on system load and performance: IMAP IDLE, LMTP and ActionMailbox.

Both IMAP IDLE and LMTP sound amazing; LMTP would probably also solve all discussions about email piping that I’ve seen in the bug tracker far better then the current Channel::Driver::MailStdin hack.

I’m not really sure if I understand correctly how ActionMailbox would work. We’re using Exim, and ActionMailbox only claims Postfix support, but from what I can tell from the code this should work with any mailserver that is able to pipe to a external program? A bit strange that they call it “Postfix” and not something generic like “Pipe” ^^

However, we’re currently focusing on more urgent tasks like finishing up the Knowledge Base and improving the performance of larger systems.

That’s perfectly fine by me. IMAP fetching works good enough as it is, IMAP IDLE & co are priority wishlist. :slight_smile:

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