LDAP Configuration - Bind User doesn't have access to prepopulated Base DN


  • Used Zammad version: 6.3.1
  • Used Zammad installation type: (source, package, docker-compose, …): docker-compose
  • Operating system: Rocky Linux 8
  • Browser + version: Chrome 128

Expected behavior:

  • I’d be able to specify the Base DN during LDAP configuration

Actual behavior:

  • After specifying the LDAP host and moving to the next page in the wizard, the Base DN field is a prepoluated pull down with the top level; however, my bind user doesn’t have access that high in the structure.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  • Note that I am using JumpCloud for identity and authentication. They provide LDAP service, but as a tenant, my “root” is actually o={alpha-numeric ID},dc=jumpcloud,dc=com.
  • I can begin the LDAP configuration wizard and enter:
  • Host = ldap.jumpcloud.com
  • SSL verification = yes
  • Active = yes
  • And when I click Connect, I initially see Connecting… and then am advanced to the next configuration page with Base DN, Bind User, and Bind Password.
  • The Base DN field is prepopulated with “dc=jumpcloud,dc=com” and “ou=service-acounts”.
  • When I select “dc=jumpcloud,dc=com” and enter my bind username and password, I get the error “User information could not be retrieved, please check your bind user permissions.”

I suspect the problem is that my bind user can’t connect at the root dc=jumpcloud,dc=com level. I need to be down a level under my org. However, since I can’t change the Base DN, I can’t get past that screen.

I use the JumpCloud LDAP connector for a number of other applications with Base DN specified at my org level and have never had an issue.

Anyone have any suggestions how to specify the Base DN?