Kubernetes manifest for Zammad


  • Used Zammad version: Any version
  • Used Zammad installation source: (source, package, …) kubernetes manifest yaml
  • Operating system: kubernetes
  • Browser + version: any

Expected behavior:

  • I was tested Zammad helm chart and it work fine. But, I would like to have a pure kubernetes manifest for Zammad deployment. If anyone has yaml files, share with me please.

  • I was looking everywhere for kubernetes yaml manifest for Zammad and end up with no progress.


You can check templates located under zammad-helm/zammad , here you will find the deployement manifests then you need to remove helm syntax so will have a deploymenet manifiests .

Or you can do like this

helm install zammad zammad/zammad --namespace zammad --values=zammad-values.yaml --version=3.4.0 --dry-run > zammad-manifests.yaml


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