Knowledge base categories displayed in wrong language

In our Knowledge base we have both swedish and english articles.
When we open an article in english, then click in the breadcrumbs to get up a level in the categories, the category name in the breadcrumbs changes from english to swedish.
I recorded a video to show the problem.
The problem does not occur when we choose swedish.

The middle screen before that change happens somehow doesn’t add app.
The ‘Question and answers’ crumb completely is missing.

Not just the word “changes”, but also the breadcrumbs change drastically.
I’m not the only one seeing that right?

Clearing the cache via zammad run rails r "Rails.cache.clear" might help already. I’m assuming a current stable version and package installation due to missing information.

Forgot to mention that we use Zammad as SaaS. You can see the problem yourself on Varbi AB Knowledge Base - Company/Organization.

‘Questions and answers’ changes to swedish, ‘FrĂ„gor och svar’.
‘Company/Organization’ changes to swedish, ‘Företag’.

Could you please contact support, mention this thread and ask for redirection to Marcel? I’ll have a look then asap.

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Just for the others as reference, it’s a bug you can find here:

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