Issue with Display in Chrome/Edge - Page Remains Blank

After a fresh installation, I can no longer access the page with Chrome/Edge. The page remains blank and displays the following errors:

– Content Security Policy blocks inline execution of scripts and stylesheets

  1. Refused to execute inline script because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: “script-src *”. Either the ‘unsafe-inline’ keyword, a hash (‘sha256-DDOFFxFZ+6vopqhWBYh1vLBG96qyi1TnFD77q6SaBiE=’), or a nonce (‘nonce-…’) is required to enable inline execution.

  2. Refused to execute inline script because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: “script-src *”. Either the ‘unsafe-inline’ keyword, a hash (‘sha256-Xm9+UbE9a5ZWWwqa5EmASox0HS8xJgaAmgq2f7VrXOQ=’), or a nonce (‘nonce-…’) is required to enable inline execution.

  3. Refused to apply inline style because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: “style-src *”. Either the ‘unsafe-inline’ keyword, a hash (‘sha256-OscGv6ROJz45t1NaoBCVRmnvap1ElR24EWQuJWrwaQc=’), or a nonce (‘nonce-…’) is required to enable inline execution. Note that hashes do not apply to event handlers, style attributes and javascript: navigations unless the ‘unsafe-hashes’ keyword is present.

  4. Refused to apply inline style because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: “style-src *”. Either the ‘unsafe-inline’ keyword, a hash (‘sha256-OscGv6ROJz45t1NaoBCVRmnvap1ElR24EWQuJWrwaQc=’), or a nonce (‘nonce-…’) is required to enable inline execution. Note that hashes do not apply to event handlers, style attributes and javascript: navigations unless the ‘unsafe-hashes’ keyword is present.

I can log in and work normally with Firefox, and there were no errors during the installation process.
It was installed using the script from the LXC-Toolbox by Bashclub: Bash Club · GitHub

How can I resolve this problem?

Thank you & best regards from Vienna.

The installation script you mentioned is not an official installation method of Zammad.
The last time I had a look at that script it did some sketchy host file blocking.

I have not qualified if it does change files, if it does, there might be your problem.
Please use consider cross checking this issue by installing Zammad on a machine per documnetation:

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