Issue: Migrating OTRS 5.x to Zammad 2.9.0 #2019

Hi @imam32 - I can see from the result of the API endpoint that you have a custom state type:


    "ChangeTime": "2016-04-21 15:52:54",
    "ID": "10",
    "ValidID": "1",
    "TypeID": "8",
    "CreateTime": "2016-04-21 15:52:54",
    "TypeName": "ready close",
    "Comment": "own state type Ready to Close",
    "Name": "ready to close"


In a regular OTRS there is no StateType called ready close. The import doesn’t know how to handle that and will fail.
You have to remove this State and StateType and migrate all Tickets to a different State. After that you can import your data correctly.