Internal Feedback Solution | Feedback Tool in Zammad

Internal Feedback Solution

Initial situation
We regularly conduct customer satisfaction surveys for ticket processing because the customer experience is one of the two main factors for our IT service desk. At the same time, we see it as an opportunity to improve the customer experience. This continuous interaction, not only helps us to evaluate the performance of our service desk but also helps us build trust with internal and external customers, and take support to a higher level.

A Zammad internal solution (not a 3rd party module) for the customer satisfaction surveys is what we need.

@Community: Are there other interested parties here? Please support this post so that the development gets implemented. If there is enough interest, Zammad will add this suggestion to its ToDo list :slight_smile: Let’s go for it!

Interne Feedback-Lösung

In regelmäßigen Abständen führen wir Kundenzufriedenheitsumfragen für die Ticketbearbeitung durch, weil das Kundenerlebnis einer der beiden Schlüsselfaktoren für unseren IT-Servicedesk ist und wir darin zugleich eine gute Möglichkeit sehen, die Kundenerfahrung zu verbessern. Diese kontinuierliche Interaktion hilft uns nicht nur bei der Bewertung der Leistung unseres Servicedesks, sondern unterstützt uns auch dabei, Vertrauen zu den internen und externen Kunden aufzubauen und den Support auf ein höheres Level zu heben.

Was wir uns wünschen, ist eine Zammad-interne Lösung (kein 3-rd Party Modul) für die Kundenzufriedenheitsumfragen.

@Community: Gibt es hier noch weitere Interessenten? Supportet bitte diesen Beitrag, damit die Entwicklung auch umgesetzt wird. Bei ausreichend Interesse, wird der Vorschlag nämlich auf Zammads ToDo-Liste genommen :slight_smile: Let’s go for it!


Please translate your post into english as this is a english speaking community.
We do this to help as many people as possible.

Thank you.

I had the same idea and have done it already :wink:

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While we would also wish a Customer Satisfaction Survey featre, it looks like Zammad team has decided against an internal solution and suggested to use a workaround with Triggers and an external Form solution.

Any change of plans in the meantime?

Hey Olga,
I can understand the decision of the developers not to implement such a feature. Zammad is a ticket system and not a survey tool. Everything you add to your product has to maintained and requires resources.

From my point, it is straightforward to add any kind of external survey tool to Zammad. Imagine you would like to add to every closed ticket a short survey. This could be done via a trigger (triggers immediately a ticket is closed) or via an automation (can be triggered a day later or so).

You email the creator of the ticket and adds a link to any kind of survey tool.
Best regards

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