Installation SMTP parameter: 501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments


  • Used Zammad version: latest from docker
  • Used Zammad installation type: portainer
  • Operating system: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
  • Browser + version: Firefox 131.0.2.

Expected behavior:

Check sending e-mail via smtp

Actual behavior:

501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Run installation as described

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Same here. Used the docker-compose stable version.
If I add the same mailbox at email acounts it works. At email notification I get the 501 error.

Hi @sprickw, hi @Hellsfoul.

Do you have some log information available, containing a traceback etc. to be able to understand what happened?

Hi fliebe92,
thank you for your reply. I watched a video yesterday and saw, that the person changed in the email settings of zammad at notification-sender the string <noreply@#{config.fqdn}> to the actual email adress.
Now it worked to add the smtp settings of my mail provider.

Can you provide a link to this video?


I just followed the installation documentation and hit the wall quiet early. When trying to install by portainer, where could I find logs that can be of help?

Hi @sprickw. I guess you need to check the logs of the railsserver container.

Here is the video:
EMail configuration starts at minute 15:00 and the step, where he changes the replyto, which fixed the problem for me, starts at 16:20