Installation: Performance-related recommendations


our machines all have a “normal” speed hdd-based storage area and a “fast” ssd-based storage area.

When installing Zammand: Can you give recommendations which parts of the system we should preferably put on the fast area?

I would put the database on the ssd space. But are there other parts that should reside on the fast area too?

In particular I am interested in feedback regarding the following questions:

  1. Does Zammand use a cache that should reside on a fast storage and in which directory is the cache located?

  2. Does Elasticsearch use a cache or certain index files that should reside on a fast storage and in which directory are such files located?

  3. Does Zammand store all emails and attachments directly in the database?

  4. Is it possible to select whether Zammand stores emails and attachments in the database or in the file system?

  5. In case it is possible to store emails and attachments in the file system: in which directory are these files stored?

Thanks for your advice,


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