Install tips as of December 2018 (Zammad 2.8)

Well, the bulk of the install processes insist on self-hosting web, PostgreSQL; and I’ve unfortunately annoyed the devs (due apologies) trying to make this work with Ruby 2.5 on Ubuntu 18.04. So here’s what I came up with, that does work on a cloud provider.


  • Use Ubuntu 16.04.5
  • sudo apt update && sudo install build-essential zlib1g-dev libssl-dev
  • sudo apt install memcached libmemcached-tools && systemctl enable memcached : not sure if this is necessary, but Docker version uses it.
  • Install Ruby 2.4 from Ruby 2.4 Ubuntu packages - Blog - Brightbox
  • sudo gem install bundler
  • Install PostgreSQL from PostgreSQL: Linux downloads (Ubuntu) : at least libpq-dev if not hosting the database locally.


Use Install from source — Zammad System Documentation documentation as your baseline set of instructions. Exceptions…

  • After Step 1: sudo chown -R zammad:zammad /opt/zammad
  • Edit the Gemfile to use ruby ‘2.4.5’ and gem ‘rails’, ‘’; also replace therubyracer with mini_racer
  • Step 2: use gem install rails -v -i vendor/bundle && gem install bundler rake -i vendor/bundle && bin/bundle install --without test development mysql --path vendor/bundle The last step may error, but appears needed to lock the correct gem directory. Follow with bin/bundle update && bin/bundle install --without test development mysql --path vendor/bundle (adjust for MySQL usage)
  • Step 3: you may need a database URL, example being url: postgresql://SERVER:5432/zammad?pool=5
  • Step 4+5: the following worked better in my environment…

Note: upgrading; don’t do schema:dump or setup steps!

export RAILS_ENV=production
bin/rake db:schema:dump
bin/rails db:migrate
bin/rake db:setup
bin/rake db:migrate
bin/rake assets:precompile

  • Systemd script install: add that “STATIC_FILES” env from step 4 to the zammad.env file before installing the service. Also will need to change host to if using a non-local HTTPS front-end.

  • Elasticsearch 6.x cluster: install GitHub - medcl/infini-gateway: Moved to: & comment out the version_supported test (2 lines) in lib\search_index_backend.rb

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Can I beg you for a similar topic for CentOS7 (no docker).
Please? :smiley:

Not sure if you’ll need anything else, but hope that helps!

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