Individual tags/overviews

It would be nice if each agent could set his own tags (non global tags) and configure his own overviews (also non global).

Currently all tags are global.

Overviews can actually be configured per user but why let the admin do all the work, when the agent could do it him/herself. They would be a lot more flexible this way too.
Giving the agent role the “manage overviews” right is not an option because then they’re able to edit ALL overviews.

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I don’t understand the “personal” tag par, but a user should be able to create is own overviews. This option could be controlled via config, so the default is the current behaviour.

This is a good way. Can you explain the “Custom Tag” part a bit more. I see some upcoming issues here. Like Reporting, different tags for the same case, typos…



so about the tags:
Currently each tag you create as an admin is global and therefore available for each user. These global tags would be the tags you use for reporting etc.

But what if a user wants to tag certain tickets differently (in addition to the global tags of course)? Everyone’s got a different way of thinking so maybe they could work “better” with their own tags. The thing is: you don’t want those “personal tags” to be in the same place as the “global tags” because this could get confusing pretty fast.

So a place where the agents could set their own tags (only they can see and use) in addition to the “global tags” would be really great. Our documentation software f.e. has “personal” and “global” tags and it’s really helpful.

Or another example:
Our agents are responsible for different software products. They probably want to tag their tickets (for building overviews based on tags or something like that) but we really don’t need those tags for our reports etc. So why bother our zammad admin with something like this when they just could manage their own personal tags?

It’s only an option for the agents to be more flexible. Yes, typos and multiple tags could happen that way but those would be their own tags only they can use. “Global” tags would still only be configured by the admin.

Considering overviews:
I can’t see any other way beside what i already said:

Overviews can actually be configured per user but why let the admin do all the work, when the agent could do it him/herself. They would be a lot more flexible this way too.
Giving the agent role the “manage overviews” right is not an option because then they’re able to edit ALL overviews.

Is there anything i’m missing? Currently there is no way (or at least i don’t know how) for an agent to configure an overview for himself WITHOUT giving him Overview Managing rights (which will give him the ability to configure all overviews).

Again, something like “global” and “personal” overviews would to the trick.

I really don’t like comparing all the time but our old support system actually had “global” and “personal” overviews and it really was a cool feature for our agents. Another way for them to be much more flexible.


Regarding the overviews. Thats what I meant by “should”. We need to implement this. Sorry for the confusion.

Thanks for explanation related to the tags. Now I understand what you want to achieve.

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Aaah okay, sorry i probably misunderstood :smile:

Good to hear!


concerning tags I would agree.
I would like to see personal tags in addition to global tags.

But I would go even one step further.
It should be possible to create global tags, that are available for all groups.
But there should be also “group global” tags, that are available only in one or more specific groups.

So you have three different tags.
global tag, group specific tag and personal tag.


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Hello Devin!

currently this kind of functionality is not questioned enough by our users, therefore we can’t prioritze this and will close this request.
