Import::OTRS.diff_worker creates/imports tickets without articles

Import::OTRS.diff_worker creates/imports tickets without articles

  • Used Zammad version: 2.8.0-1544454711.cf663b9f.centos7
  • Used Zammad installation source: RPM package
  • Operating system: CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
  • Browser + version: Opera 59.0.3167.0
  • OTRS Zammad Migrator: Znuny4OTRS-ZammadMigrator 6.0.2, Znuny4OTRS-Repo 6.0.35

Expected behavior:

  • Diff-import from OTRS creates new tickets in Zammad with article from OTRS

Actual behavior:

  • Diff-import from OTRS creates new tickets in Zammad without article from OTRS
  • Ticket title, number, created-time, customer, group, owner, state are imported as expected

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  • Install Zammad RPM package on CenOS 7
  • Do initial import from OTRS
  • On the next day, do diff-import from OTRS

Shell script to import from OTRS


systemctl start postgresql
systemctl start elasticsearch
systemctl stop zammad

echo "
Setting.set('import_otrs_endpoint', 'https://OTRS-HOST/otrs/')
Setting.set('import_otrs_endpoint_key', 'OTRS-KEY')

Setting.set('system_init_done', false)
Setting.set('import_mode', true)

if Ticket.first.nil? || Ticket.first == Ticket.last

Setting.set('import_mode', false)
Setting.set('system_init_done', true)
" | su zammad -c "zammad run rails c"

systemctl start zammad

Please follow our documentation regarding this process and try again:

Setting.set has to be done in zammad run rails c

Setting.set is done in zammad run rails c. The commands are all input to the rails console.

The script executes the rails commands perfectly well. It does the initial import correctly with “Import::OTRS.start”.

Only the diff import with “Import::OTRS.diff_worker” does not work correctly.

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