ICINGA integration merges wrong tickets and cannot autoclose


  • Used Zammad version: 2.3

  • Used Zammad installation source: deb package

  • Operating system: ubuntu 16

  • Browser + version: latest chrome and firefox

  • In Admin > System > Integration, Icinga is activated

  • The address is postmaster@domain.tld and autoclose option is active with status closed

Expected behavior:

  • When a message comes in from icinga the customer is postmaster@domain.tld and a new ticket is opened.
    The title has [PROBLEM] Host id-000000 + [replaced] + [replaced] is DOWN!
  • After a recovery of the device, icinga sends a message again.
    The title is now [RECOVERY] Host id-000000 + [replaced] + [replaced] is UP!
  • This should be attached as a new article to the already existing ticket from above and the ticket should be closed.

Actual behavior:

  • When a message comes in from icinga the customer is postmaster@domain.tld and a new ticket is opened.
    The title has [PROBLEM] Host id-000000 + [replaced] + [replaced] is DOWN!

  • After a recovery of the device, icinga sends a message again.
    The title is now [RECOVERY] Host id-000000 + [replaced] + [replaced] is UP!

  • The ticket which was already created is not recognized and a new ticket is created.

  • Tickets are never automatically closed

  • Most of the time another DOWN message comes in and gets attached to an already opened DOWN message from another device with a new article. See attached image

  • It also happens that RECOVERY messages are attached to the wrong DOWN messages. So devices are mixed up within Zammad

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  • It is not possible to get the expected behavior. It happens kind of random which DOWN ticket acts as a collection for all DOWN messages.

I’m really helpless with this issue. I don’t know if there is any configuration I’m missing. Can it be a problem with the titles of the Icinga messages?


I will have a look into this. Can you provide your “problem” mails via e-mail to support@zammad.com.

Maybe I can reproduce this behaviour

Dear Hannes,

thank you very much for your help.
I’ll have an email ready for you in a minute.

So, we are able to reproduce the issue.

I’ll get back to you with a fix (hopefully) :wink:


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