- Used Zammad version: 6.4.0
- Used Zammad installation type: docker-compose
- Operating system: Debian 12
- Browser + version: Google Chrome
- There is another coresponding topic I cannot answer anymore:
Move all Tickets from one customer (user) to an other customer
I created a macro like this:
I would like to choose who can use this macro not (only) the group of the tickets I can apply it to. This macro could be used by every agent. Is there a way to only let administrators use it? (feature? Maybe a checkbox in form?)
Another point is, owner gets informed about changed customer. Is there a way to avoid this?
The search is limited to 50 tickets, if I select all (by checkbox) are only these 50 tickets moved?
If I use rails instead: e.g. Ticket.where(customer_id:‘14458’).update_all(customer_id: 25457)
What triggers are not fired? Is there a way to do it safely? (If it is too much explanation I will ask your consultant next time we meet)
If I update the user’s ticket by API, will it fire the triggers?
At the moment all options seem a bit ugly. So maybe it is a feature request and does not work out of the box. If there are some good suggestions I would appreciate to read them.
Thank you and best regards,